Providence of Christina (Kitchen by the Canal)

Providence of Christina (Kitchen by the Canal)

Oil on Canvas


Christina was preparing a meal in a shared kitchen with other community members without housing. It is the reality of taking care of each that is manifested daily in many ways, in the midst of the cruel displacement and theft of belongings thrown callously away by the Fresno HART team, in the midst of trying to get into housing. Christina eventually got into the shelters, but when I saw her last month, she told me that they exited her out, because her “time was up” despite the fact that she wasn’t helped with getting permanent housing, a crisis that many of those in Fresno’s shelters are facing. She was also in the midst of another forced displacement by the HART team, who threw away all her belongings two weeks ago as she attended to her health needs. She told me that during an encampment sweep, she had everything prepared to move, but in the midst of moving her belongings, she need to stop and eat a bite of food to take her medication. The HART team took her belongings and disposed of them. This is a daily occurrence that those without housing face in Fresno. Even Easter Sunday.

See more information regarding the HART team here

To help Christina replace her belongings, please email me to send donations to

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